Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A Favorite Poem

Here is a favorite poem by Wendell Berry that I reread in thinking about service and life. hope others enjoy.


Loving has taught me the infinite
longing of the self to be given away
and the great difficulty of that entire
giving, for in love to give is to receive
and then there is yet more to give;
and others have been born of our giving
to whom the self, greatened by gifts,
must be given, and by that giving
be increased, until, self-burdened,
the self, staggering upward in years,
in fear, hope, love, and sorrow,
imagines, riding like a moon,
a pale moon risen in daylight
over the dark woods, the Self
whose gift we and all others are,
the self that is by definition given.

By Wendell Berry from: A Timbered Choir: Sabbath Poems 1979-1997

1 comment:

lkboc said...

mmm...i love wendell berry. during my Adventure in South Bend, several wendell berry poems were recited. he's the essence of milkshake mass spirituality for me.